Thursday, March 20, 2008

Well today is the last day i will be writing these blogs. Night school is finally over. This means that no more movie and video game information will be shared by me. So I'm sorry to all of you that were reading this for the juicy, if you still want info on all your favorite gore fest films, just head on over to That is where i got the majority of my information. It is now time for me to get started on my senior projects and such. So i dont have time for this. its spring break, thank god. its been fun being in this class giving you all the juicy info for all of u crazy horror buffs. Well i guess this is it, good bye blog fans. but I'll leave you with just a little more horror info...

Forth Terminator gets new name. It will be called Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins. Filming is said to begin this May. Christian Bale is said to be portraying John Connor. Reese, one of the children who survived a machine-driven nuclear holocaust, befriends Marcus (Sam Worthington), an early edition of the Terminator cyborg played in previous films by Arnold Schwarzenegger. In "Salvation," the character is a young version of the one played by Michael Biehn, who traveled back in time in the original to impregnate Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) and father the world's future savior. The film picks up with their son (Bale), now in his 30s, fighting desperately to save a decimated civilization against machines that have taken control. It's unclear if the father and child reunion is only a cyborg motion away in the new film.Halcyon's Victor Kubicek and Derek Anderson are producing with Moritz Borman. David Campbell Wilson, John Brancato and Michael Ferris wrote the screenplay. Principal photography is set to begin in early May.Yelchin ("Charlie Bartlett") will next be seen as Chekov in J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek" for Paramount. He is repped by CAA and attorney David Weber.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Top Horror Games Of 2007
-Blacksite: Area 51
-The Darkmess
-Dementium: The Ward
-Hellgate: London
-Manhunt 2
-Monster Madness: Battle For surburbia
-Penumbra: Overture
-Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
-Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
-Silent Hill: Origins
-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow Of Chernobyl
-Vampire Rain
Top 15 Worst Horror Remakes Of All Time:
14-The Omen
13-The Hitcher
12-Black Christmas
11-Thirt13en Ghosts
09-The Grudge/The Grudge 2
08-One Missed Call
06-The Wicker Man
04-The Ring Two
03-The Fog
02-Dark Water
01-When A Stranger Calls
Cloverfield to be released April 22nd with tons of bonus features as well as two alternate endings. But no Blu-Ray has been announced yet.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A new horror torture flick tittled "Funny Games" is being released tomorrow. The movie is said to be a like it/hate it film. Its either one or the other, no in between. The movie is said to be an Anti-Hostel. Anyone who likes Hostel will hate it, as anyone who hated Hostel will love it. Its a movie thats going to split audiances. I dont know whether this is going to be a good thing or a bad thing. I guess well just have to find out when the reviews come in.

New information on the Cloverfield monster nicknamed "Clover" has been released. It turns out that a very important aspect of the creature has been cut out. It has a retractable feeding tube that comes out of its underbelly to catch prey. And the smaller creatures are said to have not been the creatures offspring but parasites that were feeding off the monster. The reason why they all disattached themselves from Clover is because a new food source was discovered... humans.

The still untittled X Files 2 film is said to have proven all rumers false. The rumer that Agent Mulder was to become a werewolf is false, as well as pictures of Agent Scully and Mulder romantically kissing. The kiss was said to be staged for the paparrzzi. This movie is still being kept very secret but hopefully some information will be released soon, at least the plot.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The new cult classic "The Decent" has just announced their making a sequel. Now the first film was simple and original. But here we go again with companies wanting to make a couple more bucks off of a good. thing. The first movie was a good idea, and good movie. I just read the entire synopsis of it, with spoilers included, and this seems like its the same idea, but a bad movie. They've changed the chilling ending to the original to accompany this new sequel. Now its not being done by the same people who did the first one. Now if this was like from "Alien" to "Aliens" it would be a good move. Its the same premises but out beats the original with its new amazing story, but for the "De2ent", its just not working. It sounds hollow, poorly thought out, and seems as if it was written fast so they could make some dough off of it before people forget the first one. God damn Hollywood.

Darren Lynn Boissman's Repo! The Genetic Opera is strangely getting positive praise. Although i hate Darren as a Director, and a writer, several reviews of the film have given Darren alot of credit. Now i hate Darren because i think he ruined the "Saw" franchise and I'm sooo glad he's not returning for the 5th one, but apparently Repo! is a good movie. Now ive seen the trailer, and it looks horribly stupid, but maybe it might, just maybe, be okay. We'll have to find out as more reviews of Repo! hit our computer monitors!

A new picture has surfaced supposidly from the X-Files movie of agent Molder looking as a werewolf! Now i dont know if this pic is real but it sure looks authentic. A new poster has surfaced of the new mummy movie. Its the mummy 3, and the poster looks so much similar to the "Mortal Combat" logo.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Decade Of Remakes [Friday the 13th, Child's Play, Hellraiser, and The Poltergeist]

Platinum Dunes has officially announced that they are planning on releasing the remake of 'Friday the 13th' film on February 13th 2009. This means that the film will be out just in time for next Valentine's Day. The film is a remake to try and reboot the old film franchise. Jason Vorheese's costume is said to already be equipped with the infamous Hockey mask and his outfit is said to be more green for an eerie aquatic look for his tragic drowning he suffered. The company, Platinum Dunes, is the same company that did the remakes of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Amittyville Horror, The Hitcher, and so on. The script is being penned by the writer of the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. This means that the film should be in good hands.

A remake of Chucky is now underway as well. I'm guessing the 2000's is just the time for remakes. The film is being recreated by the original creator. Why the same man would go back and try to remake his own movie is beyond me. I guess he just ran out of ideas for sequels, of course after Seed Of Chucky, someone had to put a stop to it. So to continue on for the money, they are remaking Child's' Play. Lets hope they go back to their scary roots and not lean towards stupid comedy so much.

A remake of Hellraiser is underway as well. Just like Childs Play, it is being reinvented by its own creator. Clive Barker, a brilliant writer who created Hellraiser, is going to make a remake of his own original. The difference between the Hellraier remake and the Childs Play remake is that i trust Barker. I think he will allow Pinhead to instill the fear in us once again. I don't think Childs Play will put that fear in us again like it once did. But i do believe that since Barker is taking over again, Hellraiser will once again chill us to our horror loved bones.

Since this is the decade of remakes, i've come to find out that they are remaking Steven Speilburg and Tobe Hoopers classic ghost film The Poltergeist. The classic movie is getting a remake just like every other old movie tha0t made us jump. So what will they remake next? I dont know...Another remake? But look out for a new Poltergeist as well.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Nightmare On Elm Street Remake

They are remaking Nightmare On Elm street. The classic horror film about a rapist who returns to haunt the dreams of the desendants of the people that burned him alive. Now the old NIGHTMARE didnt give alot of back story, as this one is to. Now i dont know about you, but learning more about Freddy's back story will be cool. And if they replace the classic Freddy with a new person, than im fine with that. I mean i didnt think anyone could have done as great of a job as Jack Nickolson as the Joker in Batman, but then i saw Heath Ledger as the Joker in the Dark Knight trailer and i was blown away. Yes, i know we cant imagine a NIGHTMARE movie without the classic Freddy, but sometimes we need a change. The old Freddy was great, he was a classic, and he will always be a classic, but its time for a change. Its time to reinvent and to reboot the NIGHTMARE franchise. This means to start fresh. And yes this means to start fresh with a new Freddy but oh well. At least were getting another NIGHTMARE movie. And now that we have better technology, it can look cooler than ever! So dont dis the new remake. Change could be for the best. It could be like Heath ledger as the new Joker as Nicklson to the old Joker. For all we know, it could be an even better performance. So shut up and give the new NIGHTMARE film a chance!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Horror Fans Everywhere...

Diary Of The Dead

Good news zombie fans. George A Romero's Diary Of The Dead gets good reviews! It hits theaters tomorrow but horror critics are eating it up. Apparently its not as good as we were hoping to come from Romero, but its better than Land Of The Dead. Now dont get me wrong, Land was an okay movie, but nothing more than just an okay movie. George left the corporate machine that made him propduce the negativly rated Land Of The Dead and he returned to his indie roots with a low budgeted horror flick that should delight the zombie fans. Now its not as good as the three Deads, but will anything ever be? Its supposed to be a good zombie movie, and thats all that matters to me, Because we all know that not very many good zombie movies are made anymore. So its by the zombie creater and master George A Romero so go support the Dead community and watch it.

Saw V

Saw's new director has talked about some of the new traps. He said the trap designers are looking at actual death traps and real things that kill people and are planning on incorporating tham into the film. He said that the traps they are biulding can actually kill the actotrs! Every scene now has to be filmed with parametics on scene in case something goes wrong! Now it might be just me but, i think thats bad ass! Knowing that the traps are actually and realistiaclly dangerous instead of a half assed trap that some guy pulled out of his ass will make the scenes alot more intense! So if the traps are as cool and dangerous as the new director made them sound, then Saw V might actually be a movie worth watching!